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"Labor and Insurance Commissioners - Appointed or Elected" was first aired on Sunday December 21st 2003. Our Guests were Brenda Reneau Wynn, Commissioner of Labor and John Trebilcock, State Representative, District 98.

Our topics included:
  1. What's the reason for the proposed Constitutional Amendment to make both Insurance Commissioner and Labor Commissioner elected?
  2. Fifteen years ago it was changed to an elected position by a huge margin, why change now?
  3. Our state tradition is populist. How is this consistent with the poppulist tradition?
  4. Is something broken? Why does it need to be "fixed"
  5. Is this directed at either Carroll Fisher or Brenda Reneau Wynn?
  6. Are there other offices that should be considered?
  7. This appears to be a bipartisan effort. How much support is there for it?
  8. What they expect to happen?

John Trebilcock, Kent Meyers, Mick Cornett, Brenda Reneau-Wynn