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"What Say You Mike McCarville?" was first aired on Sunday March 28th 2004. Our Guest was Mike McCarville, KTOK Radio.

Our topics included:
  1. Richard Clarke's allegation regarding the Administration's focus on Sadam Hussan rather than al-Qaida:
  2. What he thinks of its substance and timing
  3. The Senate race:
  4. On the Democratic side:
  5. Brad Carson - strengths/weaknesses; Carroll Fisher - strengths/weaknesses
  6. On the Republican side:
  7. Linda Murphy - strengths/weaknesses; Tom Coburn - strengths/weaknesses
  8. Bob Anthony - strengths/weaknesses; Kirk Humphreys - strengths/weaknesses
  9. His predictions: Democrat or Republican and the ultimate winner

Mike McCarville, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers