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"The National Children's Law Network" was first aired on Sunday May 9th 2004. Our Guests were 1. Frank P. Cervone, Exec. Dir., The Support Ctr. For Child Advocates and 2. Virginia Weisz, Dir. Atty., Children's Rights Project.

Our topics included:
  1. What is the National Children's Law Network?
  2. What are the goals of the National Children's Law Network?
  3. Promote the effectiveness and growth of pro bono children's law programs
  4. Identify concrete outcomes and measures by which child advocacy organizations can identify goals and evaluate effectiveness - what is success?
  5. Improve the quality of the counsel and representation provided to children.
  6. Deliver a coordinated message for effective change on vital national issues.
  7. What are you doing here in Oklahoma?
  8. Why was Oklahoma Lawyers for Children invited into the Children's Law network?
  9. Is Oklahoma's experience with abused and deprived children similar to what we see on a nationwide basis - better/worse?
  10. At the end of the three-year pilot program, what follows?

Jenny Weisz, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers, Frank Cervone