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"What Lies Ahead in 2005 - Show II" was first aired on Wednesday January 12th 2005. Our Guest was The Honorable Brad Henry, Governor, State of Oklahoma.

Our topics included:
  1. Tort reform - how what was passed in the last Legislature was different from his proposal for tort reform and which went further.
  2. Does he expect it back this coming Session and what he would like to see changed.
  3. Discuss the agreement not to consider.
  4. Appointing District Judges in the metropolitan areas.
  5. Worker's Comp Reform - what he has learned from his worker's comp commission that has been working.
  6. Will he propose changes to the worker's comp system and, if so, what kind.
  7. Does he favor an administrative system as opposed to a judicial system.
  8. State of the State address - what we can expect.
  9. Other important issues he sees facing him this coming year.

Governor Henry, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers