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"Were the Bad Old Days the Good Old Days?" was first aired on Sunday March 15th 2009. Our Guests were Larkin Warner, Regents Professor Emeritus of Economics, OSU and Frank Steindl, Regents Professor Emeritus of Economics, OSU.

Our topics included:
  1. We've all heard of the Great Depression which began with the stock market crash in 1929, principal causes of the Great Depression
  2. The Government's reaction to try to "fix" the problem
  3. Did that "fix" work and what that tells us about our circumstances today
  4. Was it only World War II that "brought us out of the Great Depression" or were there other factors
  5. Much is heard about the "New Deal economic policies of FDR". Were they only aimed at stimulating the economy
  6. How different from today was the Oklahoma economy during the 1930's
  7. How Oklahomans liked the New Deal and how our governors reacted
  8. What they each predict the length and severity of our current downturn will be