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"Living With Islam - Harmony Or Holy War?" was first aired on Sunday January 27th 2002. Our Guests were Reverend Joe Ted Miller, St. John's Episcopal Church in Norman and Amgad Mohammad.

Our topics included:
  1. The tragedy of September 11 had a great affect on us all. What were your feelings after this?
  2. Amgad, were you frightened because of your Islamic Faith?
  3. Father Miller, how did this event acquaint you with Amgad?
  4. Is there a Mosque in Norman?
  5. Amgad, after September 11, did you have any fear of Americans retaliating against you in the form of a hate crime?
  6. Father Miller, have you heard or seen any abusive actions toward the Muslim community?
  7. A survey shows before September 11, 34% of U.S. citizens felt favorable toward the Islamic community. After September 11, 60% were favorable. How is this possible?

Mohammad, Meyers, Blankenship, Cornett, Rev. Miller