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"Mary Fallin, Republican Candidate for Governor" was first aired on Sunday August 29th 2010. Our Guest was Mary Fallin, Repulican Candidate for Governor.

Our topics included:
  1. What she found on her trips around the state to be the general attitude of the Oklahoma voter
  2. How she feels about leaving Congress and hoping to substitute the Governor's office for her prior position with the House of Representatives
  3. What she would do about the economy and jobs in Oklahoma should she be elected
  4. Where she is on the health care debate
  5. Her position on education issues in Oklahoma
  6. What she is referring to on her website as "protecting Oklahoma values"
  7. Where she is on the energy debate and on the drilling moratorium
  8. As governor, what would be her position on illegal immigration
  9. Where she stands on traditional Second Amendment issues
  10. Why the voters should vote for her

Mary Fallin, Mick Cornet, Kent Meyers