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"Oklahoma Courthouse Legends" was first aired on Sunday November 7th 2010. Our Guests were Kent Frates, Attorney and David Fitzgerald, Photographer.

Our topics included:
  1. Kent tells why he decided to write this book and involve David
  2. David tells why he wanted to be involved in this project
  3. Time commitment each of them invested in this project
  4. Their travels to each of the 77 courthouses
  5. How they selected what stories to write
  6. Kent and David discuss a few stories and pictures used to illustrate them
  7. Has anything been done like this before in Oklahoma?
  8. Do they plan any follow ups to this or any similar projects
  9. Where the book can be purchased
  10. Kent discusses other books he has written
  11. David discusses other books he has done photography work for

Kent Frates, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers, David Frates