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"Meet the New Oklahoma Bar Association Leadership" was first aired on Sunday April 24th 2011. Our Guests were Deborah Reheard, President, Oklahoma Bar Association, Cathy Christensen, President-Elect, Oklahoma Bar Association and Reta Strubhar, Vice President, Oklahoma Bar Association.

Our topics included:
  1. Women lawyers of the State running the State Bar Association
  2. Is this a first to have a woman occupying the positions of President, Vice President and President-Elect
  3. Deborah discusses the duties of the President of the Oklahoma Bar Association and how she was selected
  4. Judge Strubhar discusses how she was selected and her duties
  5. Judge Strubhar's relationship between Oklahoma Bar Association and Oklahoma Supreme Court for her
  6. Deborah and Judge Strubhar each describe their legal career
  7. Cathy Christensen discusses her duties as President-Elect in the year before she becomes President
  8. Deborah discusses the makeup of the Board of Governors – how are they selected and their duties
  9. Cathy discusses the projects she is working on now, will they carry over into her administration or will she initiate new ones when she becomes President
  10. Cathy describes her practice
  11. What Deborah hopes to accomplish this year and in the near future for the Bar Association and the people of the State of Oklahoma

Deborah Reheard, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers, Reta Strubhar & Cathy Christensen