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"Let's Learn About the Oklahoma Blood Institute" was first aired on Sunday July 10th 2011. Our Guests were John Armitage, M.D., President & CEO, Oklahoma Blood Institute and Evan Vincent, Attorney, Crowe & Dunlevy.

Our topics included:
  1. The need for blood in Oklahoma and how it is seasonal/cyclical.
  2. Donor eligibility and the basics of who can and cannot give.
  3. The Oklahoma Blood Institute is a charitable organization and yet they don't ask for money, how that works.
  4. History and founding of the Oklahoma Blood Institute.
  5. Oklahoma area OBI serves.
  6. Safety of the blood that the hospitals get from the Oklahoma Blood Institute.
  7. Size of the organization, employees, budget, etc.
  8. Other services the Oklahoma Blood Institute provides.
  9. Public health role the Oklahoma Blood Institute plays.
  10. What is new that is going on at the Oklahoma Blood Institute.
  11. If someone wants to help, contribute, donate, how they can do it.