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"Women in Politics" was first aired on Sunday October 14th 2012. Our Guests were The Honorable Kathy Taylor, Former Mayor of the City of Tulsa and Elizabeth Frame Ellison, Executive Director, Lobeck Taylor Family Foundation.

Our topics included:
  1. The central mission of Women Count.
  2. Is it a Republican initiative, Democrat initiative or non-partisan.
  3. What political offices they are seeking to direct their efforts.
  4. How Oklahoma ranks nationally insofar as women in politics are concerned.
  5. Why they believe that is true.
  6. What they intend to do about it.
  7. Initiatives or targets at which they are aiming for the November general election.
  8. Educational effort that is necessary to inform and inspire women to enter the political arena.
  9. What they see as their longterm goal besides simply increasing numbers.