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"News from OU Law" was first aired on Sunday February 24th 2013. Our Guest was Joe Harroz, Dean, OU College of Law.

Our topics included:
  1. What's been going on at the Law School
  2. Career services they offer for students; how job placement is going
  3. Opportunities they make available to students
  4. Bar passage rates and what that means
  5. How OU is holding up in comparison to the other State Law Schools
  6. Law Schools are now being evaluated on criteria other than simply which school is the most prestigious or has the biggest endowment, how OU compares from a "best value" and what that means
  7. Funding support for students and scholarships
  8. Emphasis on public interest work for students and the support thereof
  9. How the LLM program is progressing and other unique academic arrangements they offer

Joe Harroz, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers