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"Update on OU Law" was first aired on Sunday October 16th 2016. Our Guest was Joe Harroz, Dean, The University of Oklahoma College of Law. Show No. 804

Our topics included:
  1. How OU Law school is doing – discuss recent accomplishments.
  2. Enrollment across the country on lawyers is down, how this has affected OU.
  3. The quality of OU law students continues to increase, how it has managed that.
  4. Discuss OU’s bar exam pass rate and how it manages to maintain such a high rate - how it compares locally and nationally.
  5. Does law school really need to be 3 years or could it be shortened to 2 – what effect that would have on the quality of lawyer being graduated and on law school debt
  6. Supply of lawyers in Oklahoma vs. demand.
  7. Ease of OU Law grads in finding jobs.
  8. Expected salary for a new lawyer from OU and how that is determined.

Joe Harroz, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers