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"Cybersecurity Today" was first aired on Sunday June 23rd 2019. Our Guest was Tyler Moore, PhD, Tandy Associate Professor of Cyber Security, The University of Tulsa. Show No. 944

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Our topics included:
  1. Discuss his current cyber research projects at TU
  2. Discuss price manipulation in cybersecurity risks in cryptocurrencies
  3. Discuss economic research studying the effectiveness of firm investment in cybersecurity
  4. How about the challenges of data collection and sharing for cybersecurity research
  5. Discuss the threat of ransomware and how it might affect Oklahoma businesses and government
  6. ? Discuss how the University of Tulsa is getting deeply involved in the cybersecurity program, including an undergraduate and graduate degree program
  7. ? What are some of your alumni doing right now in the industry?
  8. ? What are the plans for a Tulsa Cyber District?
  9. ? In general, how is TU supporting/promoting cybersecurity entrepreneurship in Tulsa? Does this expand to statewide assistance as well?

Dr. Moore, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers